The CKC Vision

CKC has developed the following vision which reflects the thinking of its main founders, Van Nguyen and Hanh Nguyen.  We will use it to guide our progress and development.


CKC will be a small and independent research centre providing social planning, project management and research services for NGOs, government, business and the community in Hue and surrounding provinces.  It will have a small core of professional staff but will have connections to a wide network of social, environmental, climate change and gender specialists.  It will produce reports, books and information which offer a social and community benefit and for a range of public and private sector clients.  Co-working, trans-disciplinary research and knowledge co-creation are central to CKC’s philosophy and it will work with government, NGOs, the community and the private sector as equal partners in all of its activities.  CKC takes its social responsibilities seriously and will develop a role as a learning resource and information provider for young professionals and graduates in the region.