Book with Le Vu Truong Giang and various authors (eds)
‘Stories about Gender Equality: A Collection of Stories Developed by Primary Teachers’ [2022]
Book with various authors
‘Hydropower Impacts: From Environmental, Social and Gender Perspectives – Evidence from Vietnam’s Central and Central Highlands’ [2018]
Book with Nguyen Quy Hanh and Pham Thi Dieu My (eds)
‘Immigration and Development: Vietnamese Migrant Workers in Thailand’ [2016]
Journal article with Nguyen Quy Hanh
‘Hydropower-Induced Resettlement in Vietnam: An Under-The-Iceberg Approach’ [2016]
Book chapters with Nguyen Quy Hanh and Lam Thi Thu Suu
‘Knowledge Integration: Putting Systems Thinking into Climate Change and Development Practice in Thua Thien Hue Province’ [2014]
Journal article with Nguyen Quy Hanh and Vo Dinh Anh Tuan
‘Sustainable Hydropower Development? Social Impacts of A Luoi Hydropower Project on Local Communities. In Hydropower in Vietnam Central and Central Highlands: Concerns of Local People and Responsibilities of Stakeholders’ [2014]
Book chapter with Nguyen Quy Hanh, Le Thi Nguyen, Bui Phuoc Chuong, Nguyen Van Que and Nguyen Le Van Phuong