CKC Networking

  • 13 November, 2019
  • ckcvietnam
CKC is a new organisation and we want to ensure that we meet with and understand other NGOs who share our values and who we may be able to co-work with as partners at some point.  So CKC’s Director Mrs Van Nguyen and the Business Advisor, Mr Philip Thomas spent two days in Ha Noi in November visiting several international and local NGOs.  We met with INGOs Oxfam, World Vision and Care International as well as Vietnamese NGOs WARECOD, SRD and iSEE.
We really appreciated their welcome to us and their interest in our work, and we were really impressed by the amazing contributions they have made to disadvantaged groups across Vietnam over many years.  Whether it is empowering women, supporting ethnic minorities and LGBT groups, children and people with disabilities, it was a great reminder to us of how much the NGO sector has contributed to Vietnam’s development over many decades.  With the changing funding environment, so many of these NGOs are showing creativity and resilience in how they respond to this changing scene – often by finding opportunities to work with the private sector where there are common values through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs.
Thank you to all those Ha Noi NGOs who gave us time and shared their experiences with us.