Trans-Disciplinary Research
Lab-in-the-field experiment with vegetable consumers in Hue city
It is a surprising finding that despite the long-practised and predominant agriculture sector, 80% of Vietnamese citizens do not meet...
Cooperation with SOLEN for Community Development Initiatives
To promote transdisciplinary research for sustainable development, CKC has maintained and developed networking and partnership with different organisations and individuals...
Knowledge Enhancement for Community Development
As a young research center, CKC always upholds a culture of lifelong learning as its core value. At CKC, we...
CKC Trainings – Embracing a Culture of Knowledge Co-creation and Life-long Learning
Center for Knowledge Co-creation and Development Research (CKC) holds regular training and sharing sessions that embrace a culture of knowledge...
Community Visioning in Social Planning
Impacts by capital projects on local communities, including Indigenous Peoples communities should be comprehensively assessed and mitigated with proper measures...